Interdisciplinary Classes

Our program is enhanced by Interdisciplinary Classes, which meet three days per week for 1 hour per day. Interdisciplinary classes are divided into three categories.

Music Fundamentals

The first category is designed to build upon the knowledge of music fundamentals. Classes like Eurhythmics and Sight Singing are examples of this category.

Creative Disciplines

The second category of classes is designed to explore the connections between the study of various creative disciplines and to encourage a fascination with and zest for learning. Creative Writing, Photography and Printmaking are examples of these classes.

Musician as Athlete

The third category of classes impresses upon the student the need to view themselves as athletes whose discipline is the performance of music. Physical Conditioning and Martial Arts are examples of these classes.


For interdisciplinary classes, RMSC partners with the Rocky Mountain Springs Harp Program. Classes are subject to change based on enrollment and staffing.